Gap Inc.

March 31, 2022

In acknowledgement of International Transgender Day of Visibility, Gap Inc. celebrates the achievements and progress of the transgender community and stands in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community in the ongoing fight for equality. This year the call to action is even greater due the recent anti-transgender legislation across the U.S. aimed at excluding and disadvantaging trans and LGBTQ+ youth and their parents.

Gap Inc. is a proud LGBTQ+ ally—for over 18 years earning a 100% rating in the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index, which evaluates workplaces on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) equality. We’re stepping up our efforts by signing the HRC Business Statement Opposing Anti-LGBTQ State Legislation and further fostering inclusive environments for employees and customers.

In times like these it takes all of us standing together and using our allyship and voices to support the  LGBTQ+ community when they need it most.

To better understand the experience of trans individuals and to learn how we can be the best allies, we pass the mic to Old Navy Production Coordinator, Mocha Macabenta. Mocha is a proud transgender woman that uses her voice and intersectionality to support and advocate for the trans community.

Q: What does Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) mean to you?
A: There are two major days in terms of trans visibility. Trans Day of Remembrance, on November 20th, is when we look back and remember those we have lost, while Trans Day of Visibility on March 31st is the more celebratory of the two. It’s a day to celebrate the resiliency, magic, and beauty of the trans community, whether you are a binary or non-binary trans person.

Q: How do you think we should acknowledge both of these days?
A: Well, you can’t have one without the other. To experience true joy, you have to experience tragedy and you have to learn from tragedy. We unfortunately continue to lose trans people to violent crime and self-harm and myriad other reasons every day. It’s important to remember what they lived for and what they stood for.

Q: Why do you think it’s important for Gap Inc. and other companies and organizations to celebrate and acknowledge TDOV?
A: We are a values-led company and if one of our Words to Live By is Do The Right Thing, it’s essential for us to tell our stories. All of our intersectional stories help make up the fabric that is Gap Inc.

My story as a trans woman of color is part of what makes me who I am and it’s essential for us to tell our stories, so we understand where we’re going. Both individually and as a company. What do we stand for What do we value?           

Q: What would you say to those who want to be allies and don’t know how?
A: Educate yourself first and foremost. You should feel empowered to learn as much as you can. Don’t put the pressure on the trans person to educate you and that goes for any intersectional identity. Get involved in your local community. Donate to smaller LGBTQ+ support organizations who may not have as much attention as the large, national organizations.

Q: What keeps you at Gap Inc.?
A: I’m on a great team that makes me feel respected and valued. Plus, as a member of the PRIDE@Gap Inc. leadership team, I’m able to marry my activism with my day job.

For the April stop of the Equality & Belonging Coast-To-Coast tour, the E&B Team will be visiting Houston, Texas. In partnership with local field and HQ teams, we will lend our support to a community organization focused on supporting trans and LGBTQ+ youth. Montrose Center is a cultural hub of Houston’s LGBTQ community offering one-stop access to health and support services, and free wellness programs that empower individuals to proactively participate in their own care. 

To our transgender and nonbinary employees and customers, we see you and you belong.

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