Gap Inc.

October 7, 2021

At Gap Inc., we believe that business can be a force for good. Our company was founded with equality and inclusion built into the company's DNA. Today, each of our four lifestyle brands, Old NavyGapBanana Republic, and Athleta, are led by its purpose, Inclusive, By Design. 

President and CEO of Gap brand, Mark Breitbard joined the Business Fights Poverty live panel discussion on the power of brands with purpose and how they help deliver Sustainable Development Goals. Gap Inc., along with Facebook and AB InBev, called for more companies to create authentic purpose-driven goals to help make a long-lasting impact on our planet and the global communities we serve.

Gap Inc.’s ESG efforts focus on three key areas: empowering women, enabling opportunities, and enriching communities. We believe you need to do all three to create a sustainable, healthy and growing ecosystem. Within each of these focus areas, we look at where we have the largest impact and how we can drive influence and lasting change through public and private partnerships and industry consortiums.

To be a successful purpose-led brand, you need to know that it is not a one-size-fits-all approach. While we have company-wide goals, our brands have established executive sustainability steering committees with dedicated resources to lead sustainability and define their priorities and goals. This work has empowered each brand to build a strategy true to its identity while pursuing meaningful environmental and social impact. 

Mark was joined by panelists John Blood, Chief Legal & Corporate Affairs Officer & Company Secretary, AB InBev, Emily Dalton Smith, VP of Social Impact, Facebook and moderator Leslie Crutchfield.

Watch the replay here.

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