Old Navy

June 28, 2019

It’s Old Navy’s 25th birthday! And, if there's anyone who knows Old Navy inside and out, it's Megan Foote. Now the Director of Internal Communications, Megan joined Gap Inc. in 1992 as a sales associate and then made the move to Old Navy in 2001. Today, we consider her the heart + soul of our Communications team.

We sat down with Megan to hear about how she has watched our brand grow up, and how she has grown up alongside of it herself. Read on to learn what keeps Megan #insideoldnavy, year after year. ❤️ 

#BELONGINGLOOKSLIKE: I’ve grown up alongside this brand—opportunities, missteps, learning, growth, celebration—and through it all I’ve always been able to be myself.

BEST PART OF BEING ON YOUR TEAM: We get to be the voice of the brand and the people…and doing this alongside a group of strong, smart, talented women makes it even better!

YOUR FIRST OLD NAVY MEMORY: In college, I remember going to check out the store in Colma and picking up a cute tortoise shell necklace and ring. Trust me, they were the 90s accessory of choice.

HOW WE HAVE CHANGED SINCE '94: We’ve become more strategic, focused and confident in who we are as a brand. 

HOW WE HAVE STAYED TRUE TO OURSELVES SINCE '94: We love a challenge, work our butts off, and keep fun, fashion, family and value at the heart of everything we do.

BEST PROJECT YOU'VE WORKED ON HERE: Many moons ago, I had the opportunity to be a part of a project team working on the re-design of our product development process. I learned every detail of how our product is made, how to gain alignment across a large group of stakeholders, and the importance of managing change. It was a truly invaluable experience that has made me better at my job today.  

BEST OLD NAVY MEMORY: Every year, we bring together all the Old Navy store leaders from across the globe for an immersive Leadership Conference. The opening day of the conference always has a special place in my heart. As a communicator, there is no greater feeling than seeing the culmination of all your work come together on stage, and the energy of 1,200 leaders is like nothing you’ve ever felt before.

YOUR BIGGEST GOAL FOR 2019: Continuous improvement—taking time to measure, hindsight, and look outside our four walls to drive new and better outcomes.

WHERE YOU SEE US IN 25 YEARS: There is so much runway ahead for Old Navy and it’s one of the reasons why I continue to want to build my career here. Old Navy is for the people, so as long as we are delivering for them, the sky’s the limit.

WHAT MAKES YOU #OLDNAVYPROUD: Driving strong results doesn’t mean sacrificing strong values. Old Navy cares about people, about learning from mistakes, about supporting our community, about #sizeyes, about being a great place to work…that’s what keeps me here.

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