Gap Inc.

December 6, 2017

What keeps people here at Gap Inc. for decades? More than a love for our products and our brands, it’s a deep connection to the people that make up this company that makes Gap Inc. a place where people want to stay for years; a place where people want to make a life for themselves and most importantly, where people want to make a difference.

Ask anyone here at Gap Inc., in any brand or any function, and they’ll tell you the same thing: what they love most about this place is the people, and the power of our positive impact when we work together.  

We’re taking a breath during our busiest time of year to recognize each and every person that makes up the family we call Gap Inc. We’re grateful for our people, and the work they do each and every day. Most importantly we’re grateful for the things that make each of us unique. We’re grateful that #WeAreGapInc. 

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