Gap Inc.

December 8, 2017

The world moves faster than it ever has, so it’s no surprise that we’ve been “welcoming” change at a pace that’s unprecedented. But dealing with it isn’t always easy. You’ve probably dealt with co-workers who always seem cool with new things and others who resist them to no avail. Dealing with change can be hard, but not resisting it at work can have a lasting impact on your career and how others perceive you.

Here are five tips for not letting change get the best of you.

1. Embrace it!

Easier said than done, we get it. However, embracing change is the best way to tackle it. Go into the situation with an open mind and keep a positive attitude. Sometimes these things are out of our hands, so the best way to approach it is to accept it.

2. Draw on your team or a coworker for support.

And ask questions! In large organizational changes for example, you wouldn’t be doing your job if you didn’t get an understanding of what this change means for you, your role, and your team. Therefore, gain an understanding of what this change means and lean on your colleagues for support. If you’re struggling with something, let your manager know in a tactful way. You might even be notifying him or her of something others are feeling as well. Your feedback is valuable, so don’t be shy about sharing it.

3. Lead by example.

Often, a change at work doesn’t just affect you. Those around you are probably feeling a little uncomfortable or fearful as well. If you can lead by example and show your coworkers how to embrace this change, you can help others through this process, gain their respect, and strengthen your team. Lifting others up may even help you feel better about the situation too.

4. See change as an opportunity to grow.

Most things are scary at first but become familiar with time. Giving this change a chance allows you to be more adaptable as other changes arise (because you know they will). After a while, change at work might just look like opportunity to grow because you know from experience that it’s not so scary.

5. Gain an understanding of why this change is making you uncomfortable.

Once you can understand what matters most to you, you can better understand why certain types of change make you uncomfortable. For example, if you are a trainer and your product is changing, it might make you uncomfortable since you are typically the person who knows everything and now won’t. You could take this opportunity to try to learn the new tool as fast as possible and help train the other trainers on your team. And look at that, you’re now seen as a leader at work!


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