Gap Inc.

August 2, 2012

Company cofounders, Doris and Don Fisher, said, “let’s do more than sell clothes.” With that idea in mind, they built a business that created many opportunities – not only for Gap Inc.’s employees and partners, but also for the communities where we do business. Their spirit is part of who we are and inspires our people every day. We call it Be what’s possible.

This week, Gap Inc. was awarded the 2012 Business Volunteer Program of the Year by CaliforniaVolunteers. The award is a tremendous honor. It is one of only eight awards given as part of the California Governor’s Volunteering and Service Awards. Our nomination came from Larkin Street Youth Services, a San Francisco-based nonprofit that works with homeless teenagers, as well as a longtime Gap Foundation partner.

“Gap Inc. has been invaluable to Larkin Street’s ability to realize our mission to create a continuum of services that inspires youth to move beyond the street,” wrote Larkin Street Executive Director Sherilyn Adams. Her nomination went on to say “Gap Inc. truly embodies the spirit of volunteerism and partnership.”

Gap Inc. has a long history of investing in nonprofits that serve women and youth. We also encourage employees to support the causes that are important to them, by donating their skills and their time.  Bobbi Silten, Senior Vice President of Global Responsibility and Gap Foundation President accepted the award in Los Angeles. Bobbi said, “We proudly accepted this award on behalf of all Gap Inc. volunteers, here in California, and around the world.”

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