Gap Inc.

abril 26, 2024

Richard Dickson, President and CEO of Gap Inc. shared a renewed commitment to our hometown of San Francisco in the San Francisco Business Times.

Gap Inc. Steps Up for San Francisco

Mention San Francisco these days and you’re likely to hear a lot of negativity about problems, real and imagined, followed by a familiar refrain, “Someone should do something about this.” 

Businesses are in a unique position to help. And Gap Inc. is taking that step. Because San Francisco is home to our founders, brands, and people. And there’s no place we’d rather be.  

When Don and Doris Fisher opened their very first Gap store on Ocean Avenue, in 1969, they bridged the generation gap with clothing and experiences that spoke to an energetic new idealism. One that questioned convention and imagined better.  

Today, 55 years later, we’re still bridging gaps to create a better world.  

Alongside brands like Levis, Gap Inc. built a base for American fashion in San Francisco by making everything from denim to khakis, even a simple white shirt, a canvas for self-expression, beloved by a diversity of people from artists and entrepreneurs to educators and hourly workers, the world over.  

Gap Inc. was the first Fortune 500 company to guarantee equal pay for equal work – and among the first retailers to offer same-sex domestic partner benefits, one milestone in a deep history of supporting the LGBTQ+ community. And, over time, we’ve implemented pathbreaking programs to employ and uplift millions throughout our global supply chain and across the US.  

In a city of progressive thinkers, Gap Inc. has always leaned forward to forge a proud legacy of our own. If we started in another place or time, we might have been a very different company. But, this city makes us who we are. That’s why Gap Inc. is committed to championing San Francisco’s resurgence every step of the way.  

And we’ll do it the only way we know how, by imagining better, then engaging to do better, with contributions that matter, like: 

  • Working to expand our retail presence here. 
  • Doing our part to revitalize the city’s distinctive creative culture, the arts, fashion, and music. 
  • Energizing historic downtown where Gap Inc. is headquartered. 
  • Directing the focus of Gap Foundation to charities that operate in San Francisco. 
  • And aiming to double our employee volunteer hours. 

Just as Gap Inc. is evolving to lead a new era in fashion, we are proud to step up for San Francisco and the people of this extraordinary city.  

So, get ready, San Francisco. Because we mean it when we say we’re here to make a difference. And we can’t wait to grow with you. 

